[From fredericksburg.hekkiboen.com] HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburgs Va, choose to do somethings that pushes all your limits! Today’s world is all about fast, easy and instant, HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va is none of these, see what you are missing from life….. You only have to do a quick internet search to find out a large portion of our society is now on medications for depression, mode regulation or as a result of weight control issues. Why is it that we are so dependent on these medications as a culture now? Ever wonder for a moment what has changed so much that we are now one of the most unhealthy nations in the world? Think about it, our culture has extremely high stress, almost no regular exercise, and no form of mediation/self reflection. Can you afford to continue down a path you see is failing and lie to yourself that you will magically be able to avoid all the health, mental and financial problems that are happening on a regular basis to everyone else on this path? Yes some have great genetics, some do things you are unaware of to combat some of the effects, but the fact is things are out of control and if you do not choose to change your path you will have to face the results of your choices. Why I choose HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va while I was stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, driving 140 miles a day for 6 months to improve my quality of life! First let me tell you my personal story and maybe this will help you see some of the benefits and how HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg VA can help you have a better quality of life. I have always been a very physical person, the type that finds great pleasure in doing things, not really the type to sit around and watch tv, this seems to make me feel worse physically when I do not move. After serving in Iraq 2003-2004, I found myself lacking the ability to physically do all I could prior to going to war, this was something I never thought would happen to me. It is funny how we believe we will always be the same and ability to everything until it is striped away from us without warning. After returning from Iraq it took 1 year to get doctors to do an MRI to find out that my L5-S1 disk was crushed and cutting off S1 and S2 nerve roots to my legs, as a result I was progressively losing sensation in my toes. This decrease in activity was not the worse part, the worse part came after my surgery to correct this issue, see up until I did surgery I kept exercising regularly, and the endorphins helped cover what I later learned was the real problems. Within 6 months I quickly began to note a great deal of pain in several other areas, namely both shoulders, both knees, plantar fasciitis and cervical pain. See as long as I was working out the endorphins controlled my pain and I was able to keep things moving smoothly within my body, I had a better quality of life but it was built some what on a lie. While going through my Medical Retirement process as Walter Reed Medical Center I finally decided that I was not going to accept what doctors where telling me, I was not going to just go home and sit on the couch until I died. I needed to find something to fix my body, mind and spirit, see during the 3 year process I went from 2 medications to 18 medications as side effects and attempts where made to help me deal with my injuries. This process lead to a weight increase of more then 60lbs, some of which I seem unable to lose at this point no matter what I do, I do not know what these medications did to my body but all I have been able to do is restructure my body around fitness, weight does not change much, it is as if my weight is set and my body will not give that number up, so I either make it healthy or it will make it all fat based. When I first started HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va, I was not in the shape most people are, I was in the condition that doctors would not have approved me to do this program, in fact when my doctors learned I was doing this they asked me who approved me to do this martial arts? I said I did! See a warrior does not accept defeat as long as he or she is still breathing, if you accept defeat they you accept an early death…. The first 3 months of HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va where so hard, challenging and it took all I had to continue sometimes, driving an insane 140 miles a day to live again. See I had done many martial arts programs in the past I knew that most are very watered down and would never help me accomplish what I needed. HKB Martial Arts in Frederiksburg Va was a long shot now doubt and really I questioned why I would go so far just to check it out but after I saw it first hand and experienced it that first time I knew I had found what I had been looking for most of my life. All martial arts programs are not the same, this is like saying all cars are the same, all foods are the same and all people are the same, it is just a lack of education. HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg still has great depth, deep concepts and advanced training methods that push all human limits to as far as you will take them. After a few months of training I was asked to if I would consider being an instructor, I had no desire when I showed up to learn, and honestly I thought this was insane as well because my physical condition at the time I started was not good at all. Yet I had the free time and I could also help make the school better so I accepted the idea and then spent a great deal of additional time training one on one with Grandmaster Lin to increase my knowledge, understanding and skill so I could become a successful instructor. This additional information helped me understand the internal concepts of HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va to a higher level faster, giving me the tools to reshape my body based on tendon, intention and bone marrow washing. Although I may never be able to be 100% of the person I was before my injuries, HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va has given me the tools to take back total control of my Mind, my Emotions, My internal energy and my body in ways I never knew where possible. If you are looking to take back control of your life, establish a healthy life style, combat stress or just learn self defense then I recommend HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va. If you are someone that wants to just look cool like in the movies, easy progression, not challenge yourself to much or someone that wants to compete then I think you are better suited to try a different martial arts program. Why is HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va a good choice to make for you? HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va, teaches concepts and formulas other martial arts do not, namely detachment, tendon cultivation/usage, 5 line formula, immovable elbow, bone marrow washing and many more. Yes some other martial arts teach concepts that use the same name but their ideas differ and they may or may not be able to explain how to do them well and produce them in the majority of all their students. HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va will take you beyond just the basic movements and into the understanding of the feeling of energy transfer, opponents intention sensation and redirection of opponents energy intention. HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburg Va will teach you both Yin and Yang concepts so that you can deal with any opponent rather then hope you are the bigger, faster and stronger opponent all the time. Become faster, hit harder with less effort, and educate yourself in human strengths and weakness. Experience the truth that knowledge is more powerful then brute force, explore something different and be among the few in the world to know this knowledge… The post HKB Martial Arts in Fredericksburgs Va, choose to do somethings that pushes all your limits! appeared first on Fredericksburg Martial Arts Virginia. Source: http://fredericksburg.hekkiboen.com/hkb-martial-arts-in-fredericksburgs-va-choose-to-do-somethings-that-pushes-all-your-limits/ Suhu Kenneth Rimestad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get your 6 Weeks UNLIMITED Black Flag Wing Chun Training for ONLY $39 in HKB Fredericksburg Martial Arts, The Premiere Martial Arts School in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
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