Tagged: Warning Signs of Heat-Related IllnessIf you have been exercising or playing sports out in the heat of summer, take precautions to make sure you are not putting yourself at risk for heat-related illnesses.)'' Heat exhaustion and its more severe counterpart, heat stroke, occur when your body can't cool itself down and your temperature rises to dangerously high levels. It can result from exercising too long in the heat but also from physical or lifestyle factors. Spending too long in a house without air conditioning, not dressing right for the weather, not drinking enough fluids, being overweight or having chronic medical conditions are all factors that can raise your risk of heat illnesses. Pay attention to these warning signs of heat exhaustion: Temperature higher than 100 degrees Low blood pressure Fast, weak pulse Moist skin, sweating Muscle cramps and tenderness Nausea, vomiting Dizziness or lightheadedness Confusion Rapid breathing Heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke. A major sign is that the person will have a high temperature (about 105 degrees) but will not be sweating. Other symptoms include a rapid pulse, dizziness, blurred vision and confusion. Get help immediately if you suspect someone has heat stroke. For other heat illnesses, start by getting those affected out of the heat and into shade or air conditioning, according to the National Institutes of Health. Have them lie down and offer water or juice if they can swallow safely. If they are able, they should take a cool shower or hold a cool cloth to the neck, wrist, armpits or groin.
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